Re: White Male Discrimination

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 08:03:02 MDT

>From: James Rogers <>

>Things may be more balanced now (I wouldn't know), but I do see a
>strong resentment of racial preferences of any type in caucasians
>of my generation, largely as a result of firsthand experiences
>with an over-the-top program to reverse racism with racial
>preferences in social programs. This may very well be an
>unintended consequence that will strongly limit the popularity of
>any future race-oriented programs.

<post edited for brevity>

I thought you put this all very well.

Affirmative action was originally a plan by which proven injustice
caused by racial discrimination was corrected by means of selective
hiring. I still support such a policy.

It was later expanded, and became a program of selective hiring
based on arbitrary quotas to include x number of selected
minorities per x number of white males. I completely reject this

In other words a totally new kind of discrimination was created.

My point quite simply is that you cannot rectify a past injustice
by creating a new one.

Equal injustice does not equal justice.


Extropy Institute,
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