From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 01:18:25 MDT

It just occurred to me that this shoe might fit. Uncomfortably well, if there is such a thing. <see footnote>


PS: If you have any further questions about this or any other of my posts,
ask your local acknowledged communications master. And please, tell him
to write me privately. Perhaps I can provide a stipend in exchange for guidance.
I am only an egg.

PPS: On second thought, EVERYBODY PILE ON! If you find my posts hard to figure out,
please tell me so (offlist). Please keep the header intact to help me keep this
feedback properly sorted. Tell me, I can use the info. If possible, some quantitative
guesses would be appreciated in the following category:
(1) What fraction of the time do you
    feel like you're wasting your time trying to figure out what I mean?
(2) What fraction of the time do you
    find my phrasing amusing or special in some worthwhile way?
(3) What fraction of the active list participants would you guess
    answered the way you just did for Q#s 1 and 2?

Thanks in advance.


FOOTNOTE: BTW, for the Kaspar Hausers out there ( :) ):

(1) "This shoe might fit" is a figure of speech, signifying that I might be
such a person as described in my recent "Incompetence Paper" post, in the
context of communication, namely:
(a) one who thinks he is a much better communicator than he is;
 or, alternatively,
(b) one who thinks he is communicating more than he does;
ergo, in effect, "talking to himself".

(2) "Pancritical Rationalism" is described in pages available at the Extropy website.
"Panfried...<etc.>" is a transparent, possibly pathetic, attempt to lighten
what could otherwise be a terribly depressing-seeming post.

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> I can't remember if this link has been posted here before. Apologies to all if it has been, and apologies to EvMick and
> others who want the text sent to the list--it's about 100K and I don't want to penalize others (such as Amara G) who pay
> for each byte...

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