Re: Tolerance for Dissent on Extropians

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 22:24:30 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 12:52:44 -0400
> Mike Lorrey <> Re: Tolerance for Dissent on ExtropiansReply-To:
>James Rogers wrote:
>> From: "Joe Dees" <>
>> >
>> > mailbombing you and your droogies inflicted on this list, and to
>> What the hell are droogies? We've been told repeatedly that this list has
>> an infestation of them, but the dictionary can't find that word.
>Being the socialist that he is, he is using a corruption of a Russian
>word for 'friend' (droog), along with his typical demonization and
>polarization tactics.
I am no socialist, but Mikey will attempt to demonize me with the label at the same time that he decries demonization. Of course, this is a logical contradiction in action, but one should expect nothing more of Mikey, for one will not receive more.

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