RE: New Ways of Thinking

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 07:20:22 MDT

J. R. Molloy wrote,
> Operative word being "seem."
> Operative word being "seem."
> No, no, no... not "direct truth" -- rather direct _experience_.
> It has nothing
> whatsoever to do with belief.
> A name for it?? How 'bout existence. Yeah, that's it... The name of my
> world-view is the scientific study of existence (with no capital "e").

Good answers, but I still feel like I am missing something. I also call my
position "the scientific study of existence". However, your statements seem
to have assumptions or previous references that I am missing. I don't
understand all your statements, but they do seem to be consistent and

> When the brain observes, listens, and feels without commenting...
> By direct experience in the absence of thought
> experience is direct and may occur without any thought happening
> experience displaces the ordinary stream of thought
> direct and unfiltered by thinking about it
> direct experience in the absence of thought
> diluted by thinking.
> If one remembers it, then that one will not ask for evidence,
> if one persists in forgetting, then evidence is not possible
> The kind of memory referred to here is the kind that one experiences when
one "remembers oneself."
> as the brain comes to recognize and acknowledge the unity of reality
> it understands that control is an illusion.

I can't quite parse all these statements together into a viewpoint, but they
do seem consistent and somehow all related together. It almost sounds like
you think reality is one way and then people think about it too much and
talk themselves into a different viewpoint than reality would originally
indicate. Is this part of your viewpoint? Is this where your list of
useless hypothesis derive from, all the distracting theories that complicate
direct observation of reality?

I know I am expending a lot of words to say I don't understand your post. I
am not questioning or attacking your position. It sounds interesting, but I
know that I have not grasped it. I probably have missed previous relevant
posts, and am trying to understand a discussion in the middle. I am trying
to catch up.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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