RE: Allowing the sweet voice of reason into our lives

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 20:08:29 MDT

Samantha writes

> Lee Corbin wrote:
>> [Warning. This post contains a copy of the Fred Reed piece
>> that started it all, and which has been posted three times.]
> Lee, Lee. What will it take to reach peace on this thing?
> People flying in with olive branches in their mouth? It is
> getting old. You made some points well. Why not let it
> rest and move on? What's your investment?

My investment here was to describe how one could use flammable
source material to attain the level of objectivity where one
could actually "give aid and comfort" to one's partisan adversaries.
It's possible that you still view such efforts as sophistry of one
sort or another. It's possible that you will not simply not be
able to understand what I was doing. In this case, my challenge
was to (American) liberals to find something---anything---highly
damaging to their own beliefs in some screed somewhere---anywhere.
I provided yet another copy of that essay (as well as a pointer
to an essay about black crime) still hoping that some would take
me up on it.

On a more hopeful note, Josh wrote

> I wanted Gore to win. I wanted recounts. I thought I wanted
> recounts because that seemed the fairest way to resolve such
> a close count. But maybe the fact that I wanted Gore to win was
> a much more important factor in determining my position on
> recounts.

Isn't that admirable? (Despite the "maybe"s.) That's actually
as close as a liberal has come to my now quite passe challenge.
But so bad---I submit---are many people's understanding of what
I was trying to do, that this very two paragraphs will be definitely
interpreted some of the 900 people reading this list as politically
self-serving. Therefore, I must add:

Lee Corbin:
I admit that I maintained that there should be no recounts primarily
because I wanted Bush to win.


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