Re: Technological Singularity (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 05:09:23 MDT

-- Eugen* Leitl leitl
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 19:33:04 -0700
From: Michael Paine <>
     Don Papp <>
Subject: Re: Technological Singularity
Resent-Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 22:32:20 -0400

Interesting read by Bill Joy, except that he left out the ever important
NATURE. His assumptions as an elite stratified between eliminating everyone
and helping everyone forgets there is a grey world in between these two
poles -- life will never be purposeless! I do agree with you, Doug, that
the "true" elite have minimized their needs on technology -- although
deserted islands are abound, if people don't already live there, then I bet
it is *very* hard to live there as a human.

I don't think machines could rule the world, because the world is ruled by
nature and technology is kinda anti-nature (unless you consider everything
is nature). Imagine a machine mining for copper (or other elements) when
nature decides to flash-flood the whole scene, destroying everything. The
expense for machines to rule the world is too costly. In fact, the progress
of technology is still prehistoric at many levels -- I'm still waiting for

on the topic of eShades, a person I work with in related to a person who
works at Inviso -- although she was quite amazed at a demo model, she
worries if Inviso will have enough capital to actually produce/release

hmm.. I wonder how many years of advances in technology has been losted due
to the current market slump?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Sutherland" <>
To: <>; "Don Papp" <>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Technological Singularity

> Don Papp wrote:
> > "we are on the edge of [...]the imminent creation by technology of
> > entities with greater than human intelligence.
> I wonder if you have read Bill Joy's "why the future doesn't need us"
> > We're getting there...
> Sometimes I wonder if we are already going too far. Genetic engineering
> and human cloning are pretty scary if you ask me. Technology is lots o
> fun but when it crossed into "spirit" and "soul" I may end up escaping
> to some desterted island. Check out this article too ...
> -- Doug
> --
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