Extropian space colony (Was: What Extropians can do)

From: John Grigg (starman2100@lycos.com)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 01:23:10 MDT

"Chen Yixiong, Eric" wrote:
> I propose that, if we implement this project, we emphasise to the
> world that we would like to experiment on how to build space colonies
> and new Infostructure systems instead of liberating ourselves from
> Earth. This could turn potential enemies into allies, since many
> other nations would want to do space exploration too.

Adrian Tymes replied:
Which is why I think your idea might be a good thing, *if* done as an
actual space colony rather than another micronation on the Earth. We
can say anything we want; the proof is in what we do - thus, we will be
believed a lot more if we are quite visibly doing space research by
dint of living up there. Plus, once up there, we gain easier access
to asteroids et al, which helps solve the resource problem. (If there
were an equally rich source at some spot under the sea, then one might
likewise suggest founding a colony near said spot, either underwater or
on the surface with a column for easy mineral and mining robot
transport down to it.)

Well folks, I do like the idea of an extropian colony on or off/planet so we can live the way we want and do all the singularity reaching R & D our little hearts desire! :)

The problem is unless the nations/international organizations have fallen into impotent disarray, we will have a very BIG problem in simply being left alone to do our thing. And that includes a space colony at the edge of the solar system!

If we do manage to scrape together the money and talent necessary to create a successful space colony, the world will know enough about us to keep a close eye on our activities. And so if they have any sense that we are approaching a classic "big blast" singularity, they will be putting in parking orbit around us the mid twenty-first century version of the sixth fleet!

It is one thing for them to send a missle, rocket, beam or asteroid against us, because we have every right to defend against that. But, for Earth to send a "friendly" group of enforcement spacecraft over to pay us a visit is quite another thing.

Unless absolutely sure of malevolence(and of winning the fight), we must allow them to visit and inspect our facilities. And if we say no, they attack. Permanent inspectors(human and machine) could be left to continue monitoring.

And if we live on the Earth's surface at some island or third-world colony, we will be even more likely to be bullied by whatever nation takes an interest in us.

I only see a colony being developed if things really go bad here on earth, and the tech to go off-planet is cheap and reliable. In a mass exodus we would have a chance.

I love the nation of my birth and hope its leaders will steer away from the course they seem to be taking in regards to biotech. I wonder what else they may lose nerve about down the road! :( When I go into space one day, I want to do so as a proud American citizen.

This post brings back very fond memories of my time at the Extro! :) I was privy to some great conversations there.

best wishes,


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