RE: Allowing the sweet voice of reason into our lives

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 21:04:08 MDT

Russell writes

> >P.S. Standing challenge to any of you liberals out there:
> >top that! Confess how you have articulated to yourself
> >something as explosive as "Fred Reed's piece is racist"
> >but with the shoe on the other foot, and how you, even
> >though it was exceedingly painful, had to give huge aid
> >and comfort to your ideological opponents. (P.P.S. I
> >don't think any of them will.)
> Um, Lee, who do you think of as a "liberal"?

I apologize for my U.S. based coordinate system. I
have read, but forget like many others, how slippery
the term is internationally. Let me revise my
challenge: it's to U.S. liberals only.

> You know a lot about my ethical and political views by now.
> Do I count?

I don't think so, although my usual coordinates fail to
entirely apply. You have indeed made too many libertarian
assertions to be a U.S. liberal.

> The word "liberal" tends to mean something different over
> here and it has many different nuances historically.

Some of us need to stop using the word unqualifyingly.

> Also, who on this list counts as one of my ideological opponents? Daniel,
> Jerry and Mike because they are (I think) full-on libertarians whereas I
> have some libertarian tendencies but also a lot of theoretical and practical
> concerns about formal libertarian systems of thought? Samantha, who has a
> tendency to spirituality whereas I am a self-confessed ferocious atheist?
> You because you seem to have a social conservative streak whereas I don't?

You are too centrist to have perpetual ideological adversaries,
in my opinion. (Again, this is probably from a U.S. perspective.)
But there is a marvelous reality to the political spectrum, which
I and my little liberal friend discovered when we were in 7th grade.
It's real, and in so amazingly many cases quite reliable. Now, as
as libertarian-conservative---I am exactly on the midpoint between
the two on the Nolan chart---I acknowledge the Nolan chart as an
even better model of this landscape (for the U.S. people, at least)
Take the test yourself! Tell me
where you land. It's quick and easy.

> I have often defended people who are my "opponents", in various senses, or
> gone out of my way to give credit to them or their ideas where it is due.

I am not at all surprised, considering your tone, demeanor, reasonableness,
and open-mindedness.


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