Re: Fred Reed - The Dave Barry of Racists

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 13:57:13 MDT

From: "Loree Thomas" <>
> Kids from poor families make up a disproportionate
> number of recruits in the US armed forces due to
> economic forces. Blacks make up a disproportionate
> number of poor families. Economics is all you need to
> explain the phenomena.

It's all you need to explain it away, yes. But if you want to understand it,
then it's necessary to consider the other factors in the process. One
important factor is that men make up a disproportionate number of recruits in
the US armed forces. Consequently, it is also a gender issue.

--J. R.

Useless hypotheses, etc.:
 consciousness, phlogiston, philosophy, vitalism, mind, free will, qualia,
analog computing, cultural relativism, GAC, Cyc, Eliza, and ego.

     Everything that can happen has already happened, not just once,
     but an infinite number of times, and will continue to do so forever.
     (Everything that can happen = more than anyone can imagine.)

We won't move into a better future until we debunk religiosity, the most
regressive force now operating in society.

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