Re: MS to rule net

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 06:42:03 MDT

On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Michael Wiik wrote:

> I'm hoping to be windows-free by 2003, myself.

Apart from some few warez d00d programs end of 80s, I've only used free
open sourced stuff since. I've relapsed for two months now, because I've
got a Winders box essentially for free at work, and it's useful for a
number of things, like testing Exploder compatibility, validate
crossplatform stuff, running OCR on my dead tree collection, and a mp3
jukebox (even that Winders can't do properly, with 512 MByte RAM you have
to reboot every 2-3 days, orelse system starts stuttering).

Apart from that, Redmond just demonstrates a set of symptoms. Creeping
featuritis, code bloat, bug proliferation, breaking standards to lock user
base, do everything in one place, libraries multiplying, poor version
control, lack of authentication, blind trust, idiot users also happen on
other platforms, etc. etc.

Even if you don't run Redmondware anymore, it doesn't mean you leave all
your problems behind. Even user education doesn't help: there are simply
too many idiots out there, so the only alternative is elitism, the virtual
analogon to walled communities, which, of course, invited unjustified
smugness, and soon stagnation.

-- Eugen* Leitl leitl
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