RE: Vicious Racism

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 03:14:33 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) > "Mitchell, Jerry (3337)" <> "''" <> RE: Vicious RacismDate: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 18:23:30 -0400
Actually, Fred Reed DOES state much more racist, sexist and homophobic things in other essays; you can check out a bunch of them at:

>> > I'm still waiting on someone to say what the racists statements,
>> > tones, and
>> > attitudes have been said here. I haven't heard anyone make
>> any racists
>> > statements. I haven't heard anyone say that any particular race was
>> > inherently superior. I've heard bigoted ones, and I've heard
>> > discriminatory
>> > I know this may seem like nitpicking definitions, but its important
>> > that words keep their meanings else more confusion erupts. If
>> > your going to
>> > use the word racist, please have the common courtesy to know what
>> > it means,
>> > and how it differs from bigoted and discriminatory.
>> Examples: The article clearly blames welfare, crime, large police
>> departments, violence and fear on blacks only. It claims
>> that countries
>> without blacks do not have these problems.
>Ive gone back and tried to locate the original artical, but I think Ive
>already deleted it, so I cant verify your particular interpretation of his
>Look, I dont believe that genetics play into peoples behavior per se, but I
>do believe theres some major cultural differences. My problem is, it is
>called racist when a white person even brings up the fact that blacks have a
>disparate percentage of crime or other cultural problems.
>> It clearly states that the
>> author could determine the race of the bad teacher by the bad skills,
>> obviously because only blacks would show such poor skills
>> while whites would
>> not.
>Maybe he was privy to "actual" statistics that verify a larger percentage of
>teachers that are black are underqualified, I dont know. If thats the case,
>then he could say with a statistical probablity that such a thing is true. I
>dont recall him saying his premonition on this 100 percent, but I could be
>>The article clearly attributes an unsolved murder and
>> unsolved thefts
>> to blacks under the assumptions that whites wouldn't commit
>> those crimes.
>Once again, this could be a statistical statement... and whites most
>certainly COULD have commited it.
>> The article clearly attributes civilization, science and the wheel to
>> whites. It claims that technology, such as Microsoft
>> products, are produced
>> by whites.
>Once more statistical. Blacks most certainly are capable, but it turned out
>that whites generally beat them to the punch on most the inventions of the
>last few centuries. Theres a hundred theories, but one Ive read lately was
>the book "Germ, Guns, and Steel" (I may have that backwards). The book does
>its best to explain why the Spaniards started conquering in South America
>and not the inverse and other disparencies. His statement that Microsoft was
>produced by whites is correct. Bill Gates is in fact....White (just ribbing
>ya there, blacks similarly trained and in a similar position would have made
>it just the same).
> The author does not even seem to imagine that any
>> blacks could
>> have ever contributed to any technology company such as Microsoft.
>I dont know that we can invade his mind to say what he actually believes
>thats blacks are incapable of such inovation. I dont belive that, but I
>wouldnt conclude that someone else belives that simply because they had made
>the observation that historically, whites have produced more inventions.
>> Furthermore, the author claims that blacks are incapable of
>> duplicating the
>> achievements of whites.
>If he said that, I would disagree and say hes wrong.
>> He expresses the desire that blacks
>> were capable of
>> studying or achieving academic degrees by their own merit, as
>> if blacks were
>> incapable of higher learning, and implying that all academic
>> degrees earned
>> by blacks were faked. The author claims that only whites can
>> achieve higher
>> levels of academic or civilized achievement, while blacks are
>> incapable of
>> achieving the same level.
>Once again, I would disagree with him if that was what was exactly said. I
>will note that theres a certainly tendancy for grade dilution these days,
>but thats not just race based. Its my opinion based on my reading that
>degrees are easier to get then they were 100 years ago in general.
>> I am (in)famous on this list for playing devil's advocate, giving the
>> benefit of the doubt, and for assuming the honest intentions
>> of posters.
>> But even I cannot imagine how anybody can seriously consider
>> this to be a
>> real article and not a blatant hate-filled ad hominem attack.
>> I believe
>> that it violates many of the list rules and should not be on
>> this list.
>> Only the fact that it was not aimed at specific list members
>> has prevented
>> me from seeking a ban on this topic and the posters who
>> distributed this
>> garbage.
>Please dont get me wrong, I am not defending someone if they honestly
>believe that one race is inherently superior. I am simply trying to prevent
>someone from being railroaded because they state facts, that while may be
>true, are not politically correct. I didnt have the original email and I
>havent heard any of the particulars you state here discussed. Just the
>attacks on him in general for putting forth "The Email". Your not going to
>find anyone more individualistic then me anywhere and I always try to look
>at a person as an individual then a group. But Im not going to pretend that
>their arnt serious issues that need to be dealth with about certain groups
>of people (not just US based urban blacks). Well never solve them unless you
>identify them and face them head on.

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