Re: Stem Cell Debate/ --Banned in the USA

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Aug 02 2001 - 07:51:59 MDT

>From: "" <>

>We need more opportunities to better educate society, a stronger
>presence in society and a way to counter alarmist responses while
>dealing understandably to appropriate concerns. Pro-Act was
>designed to do this. The only reason we have had to stall for the
>past month is because of my health. Hopefully, we will be able to
>deal with the above with knowledge and assistance from our large
>pool of pro-biotechnology enthusiasts and revered scholarly names.

??? Hopefully nothing serious, may we take it that your return here
means all is well?


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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