From the NSS LIST

Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 17:17:07 MDT

Any opinions? Forwarded from the NSS list concerniing propellantless propulsion. I hope its not a Joe Newman home grown energy producer.

<<NSS Member Discussion, from ]

Jeff Cameron of Transdimensional Technologies apparently has developed a form of propellantless propulsion. He will demonstrate it at the public meeting of HAL5 in Huntsville Alabama on the 2nd of August 7pm at the Huntsville Madison County Public Library (Fort Book). If any of you are in town and
want to see it let me know. This is note electromagnetic levitation. He actually charges a portion of the flight platform to 30,000 volts of static
electrical charge. Jeff claims his prototype lifter employs a nonconservative aspect of the Lorentz Force for propulsion. The mathematics are pretty hairy! He envisions harnessing this for spacecraft propulsion.

Flight demonstration video:

The theory is at:>>

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