Re: Subject: Land rights

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 15:00:16 MDT

Georgianism (more properly Georgism), has a few significant flaws I've
discussed here and on the alt.anarchy newsgroup.

> "Smigrodzki, Rafal" wrote:
> From: "I William Wiser" <>
> Subject: Land rights
> I suspect groups of people have seldom work these things out
> formally. Perhaps rules have evolved as part of common law.
> More likely people just go and do what they think will work
> for them or what they think they can get away with.
> Anyway, I'm open to discussion or suggestions for good reading
> material.
> Thanks,
> Will
> #### I find georgianism quite intriguing (go to google, there are a
> few sites about it)
> Rafal Smigrodzki MD-PhD
> Dept Neurology University of Pittsburgh

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