Re: Bad Financial news for Argentina

From: Carlos Gonzalia (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 14:22:33 MDT

>From: Brian D Williams <>
>I sympathize with your country's plight. I would be interested in
>your views as to how it could be resolved.

As I probably mentioned in previous e-mails about this matter, I think
there is not much anyone can do for the time being. The chance that
privatizations and opening of markets could have provided seems wasted
in the corruption and incompetence of the local establishment. I really
have no idea. I guess we would need huge foreign investments in really
dynamic areas (not more basic services or agroindustries, which are in
any case in the hands of oligopolies). Can't see how to convince that
kind of capital to move in, with the political and social mess. The
infrastructure is quite apalling, though, particularly for high-tech
endeavours. Education levels are dropping horridly too, due to the
puny funding the state can afford on the area. I'm worried that
young people will be in general quite unable to face complex jobs.
So in brief, hell if I know... We seem to be stuck between stagnation
and disaster, and for a long long time.

>I would like to recommend an excellent book I am reading "The Lexus
>and The Olive Tree" by Thomas Friedman as a place to perhaps gain
>a new perspective.

Yes, I had already jotted it down for a reading, hopefully soon. Thanks...


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