[Robot-for-President] Re: The Immortal "I" (fwd)

From: Party of Citizens (citizens@vcn.bc.ca)
Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 18:17:25 MDT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 15:01:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <culturex@vcn.bc.ca>
Reply-To: Robot-for-President@yahoogroups.com
To: Ronald Jump <ifss@knownet.net>
Cc: PPS-L@net2.hkbu.edu.hk, robot-for-president@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Robot-for-President] Re: The Immortal "I"

On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Ronald Jump wrote:

> Hi, Franklin --
> I had written that the immortal I might be "common knowledge,
> that everyone calls him or her self 'I' and always did, and always will".
> Franklin wrote --
> > We never did solve that problem of "robo-sentience" when you were on R4P,
> > Robo-Ron. When homo sapiens has highly sohisticated robots, some time in
> > this century and robo sapiens surpasses h.s. in intelligence, strength and
> > good looks, what will you say about the Immortal I of r.s.? Can we expect
> > to see, not only a robot for president some day but a robot for pope?
> > FWP
> Franklin, the same is true of humanoids calling themselves "I". It's
> only proper English language usage and correct denotation.

Thanks for the reminder on your position, Robo-Ron. The ultimate
"ontology" as philosphers call it is going to become indiscriminable from
the "perceived" reality of robot expression. That is one of the themes of
the tv series Total Recall 2070. In the year 2070 some humans regard the
humanoids in society as equals and some regard them as a menace. From this
vantage point in history we say that we must keep intelligent machines
under control. But what will lawpersons say in 2070 about literally
enslaving an artificial species which we PERCEIVE to be as conscious or
sentient as ourselves and about which we have no conclusive test to say it
is NOT as conscious or sentient as us? What precept of justice allows
this? BTW have you heard from "Robo-Bob" since our R4P discussion? I
haven't. As he is a JD I would like to hear from him on this and we have
another JD who is currently involved in these talks which may induce him
to get involved again.

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