Re: regarding the YINYANG post on extropians

From: Party of Citizens (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 14:26:48 MDT

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, J. R. Molloy wrote:

> From: "Harvey Newstrom" <>
> > > > My fear is that any system that destroys groups for incorrect
> > > thinking will
> > > > quickly turn on us!
> > >
> > > That doesn't sound like much to be afraid of. A system that
> > > destroys groups
> > > for incorrect thinking (in the extremely unlikely event that such a system
> > > ever emerges) would have my full support. In fact, I'd form a group around
> > > such a system.
> >
> > But who decides what is correct thinking?
> When you wrote "a system" I thought you meant "a system" -- not a group of
> people.
> When Galileo had his run-in with the Pope, the system that determined whose
> thinking was incorrect was scientific methodology and reason. A system that
> accurately identifies incorrect thinking as well as or better than
> conventional science and rationalism would be the kind of system I'd support.
> Or, to test if thinking is incorrect, look at its results. Incorrect thinking
> is that which doesn't work. Come to think of it, we already have a system that
> can identify incorrect thinking... it's called science.

What will you call it when Science corrects thinking which is erroneous,
false, mistaken, delusional? How about "cognitive therapy"? Is the big
picture of this Truth of Science, Absolute Truth?


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