Re: Wealth Distribution

From: Carlos Gonzalia (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 09:49:48 MDT

>From: Mike Lorrey <>
>> I just stumbled across CEPAL's documents on the web. They seem to indicate
>I'd appreciate any translation of the data.

Well, I'm a twit. Next time I see a link saying 'In English' I will try
to notice it. ;-)

Social Panorama of Latin America is here:
The drop-then rise numbers of total population under the poverty line I was
talking about (during Menem's two administrations) are in Chapter 1.

Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean is here:
You can find a separate section on Argentina named so.

In case you have any troubles with the links, or wish to check some of the
interesting material offered by CEPAL(ECLAC in English), their English page:


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