Re: `capitalist' character values

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 12:54:50 MDT

Felix Ungman wrote:
> On måndag 23 juli 2001 20.00, Mike Lorrey <> wrote:
> >This is the same sort of BS that rationalizes genocide.
> >Every member of a corporation is responsible for its actions, just as
> >every citizen of a country is responsible for the crimes of its leaders.
> >Societies get the governments they deserve, and corporations get the
> >management they deserve. We should not be surprised when those
> >structured poorly abuse their power, and we should not hold the members
> >of each blameless for the results of the poor implementation they voted
> >for or permitted to come into force. If you don't like it, you should
> >divest or lead a takeover movement. Doing nothing is complicity.
> I think you're taking things too far. Like "all property is theft" you seem to argue that all association is guilt. I always thought individualists abhorred collective punishment. If responsability should be propagated to stock owners, what about funds?
 Would my responsability go away if i sold my stock?

Individualists abhor collective punishment in individualist systems. In
collectivist systems, responsibility IS collective, it is an inherent
function of the system. Having the power to delegate authority confers
the responsibility to delegate wisely, and consequences for not doing
so. Societies get the government they deserve.

> And you don't seriosly mean that every single individual Swede is responsible for the highest taxation levels in the world (exept maybe for the person who shot Olof Palme). And that we deserve it! Come on, it's not that we're doing nothing about it eith
er. In fact, the second largest political party has always been Moderaterna, which is the most right-wing/liberal/"libertarian" one (the whatever to call it by US political nomenclatura) of the large ones.

Those Swedes who are taking action to oppose injustice cannot be held
responsible, but those who continue to vote for any party that is in
collusion to the continuation of the injustice is responsible. The more
severe the injustice, the greater the responsibility and consequences to
those who acquiesced. I don't expect you to lead a violent insurgency
group to oppose generally non-violent actions of the state.
Proportionate use of force is mandated to maintain moral exculpability.

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