RE: Guaranteed income (was capitalist religion)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 00:45:58 MDT

At 11:30 AM 7/22/01 -0700, Lee wrote in response to:
Mike Lorrey 's
>> For example, schools at all levels could entirely finance themselves and
>> provide equal educations to all if they instituted a system whereby
>> contracted students received educations in exchange for a guaranteed
>> percent of the individual graduates future income that goes to the
>> school directly, instead of through multiple layers of government
>> bureaucracy. ;...]
>> Schools could easily contract with insurance companies to guarantee its
>> graduates make their remittances, thus eliminating the need for
>> government in the equation entirely.

>What a great idea!

Hey, I've had an even niftier notion! Say *everyone who's ever been to
school* and is *already* earning money pays into a pool that's distributed
to *today's* schools, *now*! That way, instead of having to wait for their
graduates to find work sometime in the future and pay them then (those who
manage to find a job, anyway), the schools would get funds immediately!

And to save on the excessive costs of all those different insurance
companies, with their wasteful duplication of effort, how about paying
*into one big fund* that's overseen by representatives *chosen by all those
people paying in*!

Oh, wait--

Damien Broderick

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