Re: NEWS: Genoa riots

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Jul 22 2001 - 18:59:54 MDT

Tiberius Gracchus wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 08:40:38 -0700, you wrote:
> >> Carlos Gonzalia wrote: Our local protesters sometimes make
> >> explicit mention to those organizations in their protests, but are usually
> >> more concerned in getting their displeasure be known to the local
> >> establishment and oligopolies. That is, to the guys that have reaped the
> >> spoils of IMF/WB/etc policies. ...-Carlos
> >
> >Carlos, why do the locals have a problem with the guys who reap
> >the spoils of the IMF/WB policies? Seems like they would be in
> >favor of these guy because they bring jobs and money into the
> >neighborhood. What am I missing? spike
> Maybe they don't want to turn Italy into another America: just a
> bunch of hamsters spinning madly on a wheel in some rich man's cage...
> (I'm exaggerating, of course, but there is some truth to that...)

Hardly, considering that the US has the highest percentage of its
population with business ownership / self employed of any industrialized

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