Re: Prolongevity supplement considered harmful

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 21:50:03 MDT

On Saturday, July 07, 2001 12:50 PM Samantha Atkins
> Such problems make a good case for a private underwriter of the
> contents of some of these supplements.

I agree. Of course, as customers, we can all write to the manufacturer and
ask if they've had independent assays done, then find out who did them and
contact that party to see what the results were. Provided the assayer was
reputable, you would be better able to weed out the bad from the rest.

> It could be for profit
> as it gives potential value to manufacturers primarily. It
> could also in its beginning of continuously accept samples to be
> tested for free to build its rep and as a service.

At LEF's product listing for their vitamin D3 supplement -- -- the following warning is


"When taking more than 1300 IU of vitamin D3 daily, periodic blood tests
should be done to make sure too much calcium is not being absorbed and that
kidney function is not being affected."

I'm wondering, too, how much this guy took and why he was taking such high
doses to begin with. I'm sure there can problems with powders, if there's a
way for the active substances in them to settle out of the mix. The LEF
capsules for the hgih doses D3 are mostly filler: "Since 1000 IU is the
activity of only 25 mcg, 99.995% of the capsule content is the rice flour


Daniel Ust
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