News Items Needed for Exponent

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:24:35 MDT

HI all,

It is the time of month again to ask you all for items of extropic interest
to be included in this month's Exponent newsletter (members only). As
always, please send any items to me privately at

Of particular interest is your reaction to Extro-5; any soundbytes,
comments or other info (URL's to such are fine) would be welcomed.

Please submit any of the above by this Friday.


                                                        E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
                                 COO and Director, Kryos Biomedical
                  ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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