Re: Yet Another No Spoiler Review of AI

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 12:46:21 MDT

At 09:26 AM 6/30/01 -0700, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

>Hmmmmm... "To be real is to be mortal"
>I thought to be real was to have mass or energy associated with
>oneself. Guess A. O. Scott & I went to different schools...

Okay, now I'm definitely going to see the film. Since, the storyline
message clearly sucks, I bet the direction, cinematography, acting, and the
film logo with title topography are fantastic.

Here again, we have another outdated and tiresome myth which must be
cracked wide open ( "to be real is to be mortal.") However, on the one
hand, I can understand "verifiable existence" as something folks can hold
onto for dear life. It's that verifiable existence 'thang. It's a strange
oxymoron that this myth is based on knowing what death is.

"To be real is to be alive."


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