Re: SOC/ECON: Critique of the anti-globalists

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 05:17:38 MDT

Bill Douglass wrote:
> Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
> [snip]
> "If governments taxed products based on their total global impact at least
> the incentive to move offshore to avoid things like environmental
> regulations would disappear. Ultimately you have to get the consumer to
> accept the idea that he should pay fully for what he consumes and not be
> complacent with shifting the burden elsewhere. That would be real
> sustainability."
> This is an interesting idea, Robert. Could you (or anyone) recommend any
> readings on this idea of taxing products based on their "total global
> impact"?
> Thanks,

Algorithms actually capable of calculating such a thing and the
justifications for the underlying assumptions are called for.
It looks like a technocratic BS dream on the surface. If you
cannot predict and track all consequences then how exactly will
you compute or speak meaningfully of "total global impact"?

- samantha

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