Re: SOC/ECON: Critique of the anti-globalists

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 07:54:51 MDT


>How are you going to label that? There may be dozens of gene
>tweaks in there, plus there is probably still going to be
>old-fashioned hybridization and cross breeding as well. Short of
>providing a complete genetic analysis of every ingredient in your
>food there is no way you're going to be able to clearly describe
>the manipulations.

Genetic engineering and crossbreeding are completely different
things. No amount of cross breeding is going to introduce genes
that are not already within the species, not even so called
directed evolution to induce somoclonal variation.

Labeling doesn't have to be difficult, as Harvey has pointed out in
numerous excellent posts today, we're not talking warning labels

GMO: corn type XXXXX

Is it patented? even easier:


It would then be easy for any interested consumer to look this up
online via Google, and many manufacturers already provide telephone
numbers to provide additional information about their products.

They should think positive and use this as the marketing
opportunity it is.

I don't know if you caught my post of a few weeks ago but
information from focus groups has indicated that opposition to GMO
products evaporates once they are labeled.

Besides you want guys like Harvey and me on your side.... ;)


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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