Re: SOC/ECON: Critique of the anti-globalists

From: John Clark (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 11:11:33 MDT

 Harvey wrote:
> I don't understand how any pro-market individual can be against
> labeling. The fact that most people won't be able to use information to
> make a good choice does not justify suppressing information and choice!

I'm not against labeling, I don't want to suppress anything, if you want to put
on the label of you line of canned beans that it's genetically modified go right
ahead, I just oppose forcing people to do so. Yes, some would be interested
in that information but I'll bet even more people would like to know the sign
of the horoscope of the person who picked the beans. I wouldn't require
that information be on the label either.

    John K Clark

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