Re: Posthumous and posthuman dignity

Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 10:55:25 MDT

Anders writes:
> This Saturday I, like many of the other participants of the TransVision
> conference here in Berlin, attended the exhibition Körperwelten.
> Professor Günter von Hagen has developed a method of plastinating organs
> and entire bodies, so that the water in the tissue is replaced by solid
> plastic. This turns them into dry, solid objects that can be handled and
> exhibited. Had he just done the standard specimens I guess the
> exhibition would have been merely yet another anatomy exhibition,
> visited by a few. But he went back to the classical anatomic drawings of
> Vesalius and other renaissance artists, and created complex lifelike
> dissections.

I read about this exhibit when it opened, quite controversial. I am
confused by your description though. Does he take actual organs and
bodies and replace the water so they turn into plastic? Or does he
build plastic imitations of bodies? Are these standing bodies with
their organs on displays real people who have been preserved, or are
they artificially constructed models?


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