ANNOUNCE: Progresss Action Coalition (Pro-Act)

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 08:55:35 MDT

Hello extropians -

Several people who did not attend Extro-5 asked about Pro-Act. I though I
had sent a message to the list announcing the organization, but I don't see

In light of the many obstacles impeding our speedway to superlongevity, I
along with Max, Greg, Harvey and E.Shaun, put our ideas together in
developing a way to deal with anti-biotechnology groups and others who
fight technological advancements. While preparing for my talk at Extro-5,
I spoke with key figures at The Foundation for Economic Trends, Greenpeace,
the Green Party, and heads of organizations strongly affiliated with
Turning Point Project.

However, it was long before this that I realized an enormous angst among
those who are fearful of technology. This another story. Regardless, over
the years gap has widened and even though the polls show a higher support
for stem cell research than anticipated by many, there is a discerning need
to counter the many claims of those who pound their fists on the table and
want to halt progress.

To update those of you scratching your heads and wondering what Pro-Act is,
let me include the following statement below:

                        Progress Action Coalition

Imagine it is the year 2030 and we are looking back on our accomplishments
of the past three decades. How should our time be best remembered? How
about: Cancer reduced to a minor health problem that is easily curable;
Billions of people enjoying lives enhanced by connection to a rich global
cultural network; nanotechnology solving the environmental damage of past
centuries; Art forms barely imaginable today enriching the lives of a
population made more creative through new technologies and new ideas; or,
the dream of true artificial intelligence realized, adding a new richness
to the human landscape never before known.

Each of the above "future headlines" is fun, but also raises issues
implicating our basic values. The swift progress of technology and both the
promise and peril it presents are serious concerns; the basic question of
whether we will continue to progress or turn away in fear needs our earnest
attention and ability to solve problems.

Progress Action Coalition ("Pro-Act") serves as a conduit of information
and exchange for those working to counter the many biases against advanced
technologies that are growing in our culture and the policies of our
governments. Recent years have revealed a growing feeling of fear around
the world which is a source of danger to the very value of progress itself.
Questions are raised about the development of life-transforming
technologies and the spread of freedom, creativity and enterprise in our
society, but too often now the only answers offered are based on a
pessimistic rejection of progress. Pro-Act is a resource to build networks
among people who acknowledge the challenges before us, but who face those
challenges with an optimistic commitment to improving the human condition.

If we take action now, we can have a major impact on how the world views
efforts to prolong and improve life, advance the world's knowledge about
positive technologies, improve the environment, promote space travel, and
address fundamental issues in education, the environment and the quality of
life for the vast majority of humanity that still lives in hunger, fear and
ignorance. As Buckminster Fuller said, it is a matter of distribution not
content. By distributing knowledge effectively, we can encourage others to
ask the right questions and find reliable information about these and other

Many of us have been discussing these concerns for years. Now we have an
organization designed to work with you in taking action for progress. Now
is the time to take a stand to make sure the public gets all the facts, not
just the ones that alarm them. Pro-Act is an independent organization
created to fill a need in our culture. Rather than stand by and listen to
voices counseling fear and retreat dominate the public stage, we plan to
push progress. Our web site was secured in April, and Pro-Act was announced
at Extropy Institute's "Extropy-5" Conference in June, 2001, where
advocates for a positive future gathered.

We hope you'll join us in our first endeavor, a moderated email forum for
sharing information and resources among people knowledgeable about the
technologies and trends that will effect our future and concerned that
progress continue toward a brighter future.

We look forward to the years ahead.

Natasha Vita-More
Director, Pro-Act

with: Max More, Greg Burch, Harvey Newstrom and E. Shaun Russell

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