Re: Gina Miller

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 21:00:32 MDT

John M Grigg wrote:

> Spike, you sure have a way with words.... I am very grateful you are taking it upon yourself to make sure these things are done for her. They should give Gina some much needed cheer.

Thanks John. Now lets see *you* fire up the old verbiage machine.
I know you already signed Gina's card at E5, but as they say,
if some is good then more is better, still more is better still, and
too much is just right.

I recall you are a big Gina fan. {8-]

I do thank all who have responded so far. Gina's care package
is waxing thick.

I heard back from Jim Lewis. He said they had moved Gina
to a bottom bunk, which is good, since she was having a lotta
trouble with her leg, which was shattered in the accident and
is held together with bolts and pins. Im awfully worried about
her, for as you know Gina is little, and I imagine they fight a
lot in the pen.

> If I ever get into major trouble I wonder what you will write about me... lol

John, you strike me as a hell of a nice guy, so chances are Id think
of some good things to say about ya.

Now write that note, and send it on, post haste. {8-] spike

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