Re: BOOKS: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

From: Russell Blackford (
Date: Sat Jun 23 2001 - 18:18:40 MDT

Samantha Atkins quoted ...

> >
> > Ascend!

... then commented

>This is a very *spiritual* admonition, perhaps the most central
>one of all

This comment misses the point. What makes transhumanist philosophy unique is
that we are able to offer each other such admonitions/ encouragement within
an entirely naturalistic framework. In at least one (very important) sense,
no "spirituality" is required.

That said, Samantha, what exactly is it that's bothering you about all this?
What do you think we disagree about, apart from the use of words? I doubt
that either of us wants to devote his/her life and energies to debating some
non-issue, or side issue, with an ally. I want to concentrate on debunking
my intellectual opponents and I imagine you feel similarly.

Although, I've expressed serious reservations about the word "spiritual" and
its cognates, I've not tried to censor anyone's use of them if they find
them useful in their own experience. Moreover, I've not merely conceded but
positively emphasised and celebrated aspects of life that are often covered
by the "spiritual" rubric. Mike Lorrey wrote in a similar vein, I thought.

Do you have some particular belief whose expression you think is under
threat from me and others on this list who are wary spirituality-talk? If
so, what is it? When we know, perhaps we can indeed just bracket off the
issue and get on with helping each other debate the real enemies of the

Yours in solidarity


Russell Blackford

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