Re: BOOKS: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jun 23 2001 - 04:26:44 MDT

Al Billings wrote:

> > There are those of us here who have that also. Did you think we
> > were all filtered out?
> People like Mike and others would like us to be... Transhumanism has no
> place for spirituality in their minds. That is the main reason why I never
> considered myself an Extropian over the last 10 years.

But if that is the main reason then perhaps it would be more
fruitful and more widening of the meme space to push back
against others (hypothetically at least) defining the meme space
so as to exclude spirituality.

There is nothing that says explicityly "Thou shalt not be
spiritual." AFAIK that is not required before one can be
extropian or transhuman.

- samantha

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