RE: Political views?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 07:15:12 MDT

Spike Jones wrote,
> You can be forgiven Harvey, altho I should mention that the last
> five extropians to show up at my house had been mixed liberally with
> ethanol by the time they arrived. Harvey had a bottle of beer sitting
> on my electric piano right next to his elbow as he regaled us with
> stories while gesturing wildly. I quietly wondered if Ray Kurzweil
> designed his products to be forgiving of hydrocarbons spilled into
> their workings. Fortunately no brew was spilled. {8^D spike

I may be a maniacal, wild-eyed story-teller, who takes electronic equipment
for granted...
but I would never, never waste alcohol!

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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