From: dwayne (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 05:40:35 MDT

> On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Fred C. Moulton wrote:
> > Mail clients which can display HTML with display the HTML [...]
> Right, and there's no way to dissuade them from displaying HTML other than
> by dumping them. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of an open source solution
> for high-volume permanent mail (I've got several GBytes of mail sitting as
> gzipped mboxes on diverse drives and partitions), and I'm too dumb/swamped
> with too much work to write my own.

What about elm?

i'm in much the same situation, although I haven't gotten around to unarchiving them and
putting them in permanent access on a drive on the household network somewhere.

i'd always assumed elm would work fine. hmmmm.

> I'm working on revamping my computer environment (less a money than a time
> and hassle problem), but meanwhile I'm stuck with buggy, crash-prone
> browsers for MUAs, at least until the end of this month (until I've moved,
> and my DSL is being debugged -- it's almost two weeks since the modem has
> been delivered and the line installed, but it still is blinking WAN
> error).

Oh hey, I went from cable internet (5 hops from the cable and wireless backbone) to no
phone or any other connectivity.

argh, share house horrors.

> So: sorry, but if you write me in HTML you land in high-noise folder.

Yes, I read mail under elm on a BSD system (when I am visiting my parents and hogging
their link) and html is displayed raw, so I just hit "N"

bad luck if your prose was particularly scintillating, but it serves you write for not
sending it in text, they way Dog intended.


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