Re: Political views?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 01:29:30 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:
> Joe Dees wrote:
> > Fiscal conservative (the gov't should pay down the debt before cutting taxes, just like individuals have to pay their credit card bills prior to buying or doing that next cool thing)...
> In the last U.S. election, the candidate who favored paying
> down the debt was very nearly elected by his creditors,
> the Social Security hordes {many of whom had already
> perished, if various reports are to be believed.} It is in the

Huh? It is not the Social Security receiving folks who the are
the creditors for the government's debt. We pay a hundreds of
billions of dollars every year simply to servive this debt. It
is not some government boondoggle to consider it prudent to
clear it from the books.

> best interest of those voters to see the debtor government
> survive, and in the best interest of the debtor government to
> carry a large debt to the voters. So expect a continutation
> of governments buying the next cool thing long before the
> national debt is reduced. spike

It is in no ones interest to see the debt remain in place. If
you think it is then please make your case. I don't see it. It
is bleeding this country and therefore each of us of a lot of
real wealth.

- samantha

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