Re: Political views?

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 11:26:56 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 18:21:53 -0400
> Mike Lorrey <> Re: Political views?Reply-To:
>Joe Dees wrote:
>> >Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 15:04:28 -0500
>> >To:
>> >From: Chuck Kuecker <>
>> >SUBJECTReply-To:
>> >
>> Fiscal conservative (the gov't should pay down the debt before cutting taxes, just like individuals have to pay their credit card bills prior to buying or doing that next cool thing), social liberal (green, feminist egalitarian, pro nonwhite and gay equ
>al rights, believer in personal choice on ingestion issues), believe that opportunities should only be limited by ability, that all people should enjoy all freedoms that do not interfere with the freedoms of others, and where they do, the conflict should
>be resolved by equal and proportional compromise, and that rights and responsibilities are correlative, and that the freedom to enjoy our rights demands the correlative obligation to observe our responsibilities, to ourselves, our fellow humans, and the c
>ommon home we share.
>Except, of course, if they are a minor, have used an excessive amount of mental health services, have been previously persecuted or prosecuted by the government (usually for being black on a sunny day), or hold political opinions that Mr. Dees considers t
>o be radical.
Minors are, inded, minor, and unless they have been legally emancipated, possess, and SHOULD possess, both less rights and less responsibilities. Do you want infants driving? As people age and, we hope, mature, they should be gradually given more of both correlatively. People who have proven themselves not to be able to responsibly employ certain rights the irresponsible exercise of which may cause harm to themselves or others cannot be granted the free exercise of those rights, for their own sakes and for the sakes of those around them. As far a 'black on a sunny day', the preemptive refutation to that slanderous canard is found in my definition of social liberal above, and as far as what a person thinks, that is up to the person; it is what a person DOES that should decide whether they are responsible enough to safely exercise certain potentially injurious rights around others.

Still trying after the ban, ayy, Mikey?

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