Re: Political views?

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 02:16:26 MDT

What pigeonhole do I want to let myself be crammed into? Gee. How inviting.

1) I am not a declared "extropian" per se. I find the expressed principles from Max and others worth careful
consideration and I am glad many people who call themselves extropians consider me a friend.

2) Virginia Postrel's "dynamism" is interesting to me. So are the ideals expressed by Thomas Jefferson.

3) Sorry, but all "conventional" political views have a large problem. In the words of Noam Chomsky, if they can keep
you asking the wrong questions, it doesn't matter what answers you get. See also Lakoff on categories and what they
reveal about the mind.

4) I tend toward minarchism in principle, and given the choice between making everyone on the planet equally poor or
equally rich, I'd choose the latter.

"" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wish to find out which political views are more represented among
> EXtropians. By "politican views" I mean "conventional" political views
> e.g. liberalism vs. socialism, right vs. left, etc. For those who dare
> exposing themselves which organized political party or movement match
> best the extropian ideas? Please drop a line or reply to the list. An
> anonymous poll on Extrodot would be fine.
> ---
> --------------------------------------

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