Re: MOVIES: possible favorites in the pipeline

From: John Clark (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 11:02:52 MDT

Samantha Atkins <> Wrote:

> [Forbidden Planet] is a wonderful classic. Leave it alone.

Forbidden Planet was the first movie I ever saw in my life and is still
one of my all time favorites; effects that were incredible for it's day,
wonderful music for any day with the world's first all electronic score,
and a basic plot premise that is brilliant and bleeding edge even today.

That said it must be admitted the movie is not without flaw, the most serious
being the ending. Like all films of its day we must have a happy ending and to
have that the thing of wonder, in this case an entire planet, must blow up. Why?
Because of course there are some things man was not meant to know.
There are also some lines of dialogue that can only make you groan
" I'll bet any quantum mechanic in the army would give his eye teeth to work on
this stuff". I also think the comic relief cook should have been the first causality,
like in the opening credits.

And there is one scene that is just a few frames too long. This didn't
bother me at all the first time I saw it but for some reason it bugs the hell
out of me now. Alteria is swimming in a lake and we're told she's nude.
Fine. But then we get a brief glimpse of her getting out of the lake and
it's clear as day that she's not nude at all. Bummer!

If they can remake Planet Of The Apes they can damn well remake
Forbidden Planet.

   John K Clark

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