Re: QUERY, signal intercept system

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 18:20:17 MDT

Because of constitutional and legal limits against our government spying on its
citizens, the arrangment with the Brits is thus: we monitor everybody else's
citizens private communications, and the Brits spy on our citizens for our
government (as well as one their own people, since they have no such domestic
limits)... Carnivore is a related email snooping system that sits at ISPs
sifting for communications from and to people on the bad boy list.

The French hate it because the US is the primary espionage target of the French
intel agencies, most of which is actually spy work for french corporations
against US corporations. What the French really hate about it is that Echelon
allows the NSA to keep tabs on how much is going on that uses unencrypted or
poorly encrypted communications.

Steve Davies wrote:

> The system is called Echelon - it's run by our friends at the NSA. The
> Continentals (esp the French) are highly pissed off as the British get
> access to it - all part of the Anglo-Saxon plot. As far as I know yes it is
> deployed in North America (I might be wrong though). Steve D
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ralph Lewis <>
> To: <>
> Date: 13 June 2001 19:39
> Subject: QUERY, signal intercept system
> >Some time ago there was a discussion of a system the US had in Europe that
> >intercepted all electronic communications net, voice, video. Its name I
> >think was something like echilon. Has anyone saved the messages or have the
> >web site/
> >
> >Has it been deployed in the US, Canada or Mexico?
> >
> >Thanks Ralph
> >

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