I need assistance in buying airline tickets to attend the Extro!

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 22:02:22 MDT

Hello everyone,

For various personal reasons(lack of money as well as opposition from
others) I postponed buying an airline to fly from Anchorage, Alaska to San
Jose. Now, ticket prices are VERY high. I have surfed the net trying to
find a good price but do not fully understand the intricacies of buying
online and not getting burned. I only have $500 to spend.

I ask anyone with knowledge of this to give me any pointers possible or to
even surf the net and look for a good ticket opportunity. I will be at work
most of the day and be getting off at around 10pm local time.

And I realize this sounds corny, but if anyone is flying through Anchorage
on a private plane to attend the extro; well then, please, contact me!

I appreciate any assistance offered.


John Grigg
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