Re: Latest 4th amendment case...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 09:27:07 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> NOTE: Spike is hereby warned to keep his flying snooper microbots out of
> my airspace! ;-)

Too late Mike! You posted your address and I have dispatched
a veritable tiny airforce to snoop out your backyard barbeque!

If it is possible to lose an argument in the sense that one changes
ones mind, I have definitely lost my arguments on openness. I
am now busying myself on ways to defeat snoopers, while at the
same time acknowledging that snooper technology will advance
whether we like it or not.

Latest on that: I may have mentioned before that disposable
wireless X10 camera I bought to scope out its capabilities.
Last time I was in Fry's I noticed that they have detached
the retina unit and have it separate from the wireless transmitter,
so one can buy those separately for 30 bucks. Think of this
next time you are in a hotel room: a retinal unit the size of a
golf ball can be purchased for 30 bucks, and it attaches to
a sender unit smaller than a baseball. Where could something
like that be hidden? The receiver unit can be out in the parking
lot. So no chance of the perps getting caught.

The real cheapy x10 cameras can be defeated by simply
turning down the lights. One can read by light that is too
dim for the cheapy cameras to operate effectively, so this
is a good interim strategy until we think of something better.
The cheap cams do not have a light level compensator. Yet.

Regarding my reasons for turning pi radians on the openness
question: my posts on that topic from a year ago say that
with increasing openness must come increasing societal
liberty and acceptance. I havent seen that trend, so in that
sense my position is consistent.


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