Re: vegetarianism and transhumanism

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 21:27:38 MDT

Just to set the matter straight about vegans and their kin, here's a
comment from my novel THE DREAMING:

Herbivores are awful bores:
obey the laws and sweep the floors.
To shirk their duties, tasks, and chores
would not be greeted by applause.
They never eat with gaping jaws
Or treat their friends to horrid roars.
Their diet keeps them free of yaws-
they buy their fruit at health?food stores
and even eat their apple cores-
while innate decency ensures
that germs which lurk on other paws
promoting noxious dermal flaws
are swiftly booted out of doors.
When teeing off, they wear plus?fours.
At night their bedrooms ring with snores.
They *never* patronise the whores.
Nor do they march to foreign wars,
nor sponsor any foolish cause.
They wrap their kiddies up in gauze,
philosophise in gloomy saws,
and when it rains, for them, it always pours.

Damien Broderick

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