Re: Godhood vs Children

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 19:46:06 MDT

Re: the question, "Why have kids?"

How about this reason: because I could. As an inherently curious woman, I
thought having a child - "being there," watching it happen (to me!) - would
be an interesting experience (and I wanted a child). My first thought (not
just "click," but "kapow!") after I gave birth to my first child was of
being linked to all the other women through time who've ever given birth - I
was suddenly a link on that long chain; and, speaking of links, I felt a
kind of curious closeness not just to all women who've come before me on
this primapara chain ... but to apes. And, wow, I felt like such an animal!
(another "kapow!"). No experience I've ever had in life - and I've had a
few - has been as unique, to say the least. And, my children (2) have been
the loves of my life. I love men, but oh, you kids ...

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