re: Godhood IS Parenthood

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 18:15:42 MDT

Felix wrote:
In my experience you tend to shift priorities once you have a child. You'll surely have to rearrange you whole life. But having little godlings shouldn't neccesarily conflict with your current goals.

As a Mormon youth growing up I often heard the saying..

"Godhood is parenthood!"

I think alot of sound advice has been shared with you about making the right decision. Obviously, to give in and have children you don't really want could easily end in disaster for you.

And yet I have known people who had a unplanned or unwanted child which they thought would bring nothing but annoyance and instead were very surprised by how much love, interest and parental instinct developed within themselves.

I think some of lifes greatest pleasures can only come through parenthood, whether it is your own biological offspring or one you adopted.

Ultimately, you need to do some serious soul searching and really communicate with your mate. There are no easy answers here.

Personally, I think having a child with the right woman could be a huge thrill in the amazing, technologically advancing civilization we live in. Was there ever a greater time to see the world through a child's eyes?

best wishes,


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