RE: nuclear energy

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 07:00:44 MDT

Spike Jones wrote,
> I read in today's Chron that Red had petitioned the shrub and
> was turned down. The way I read it is he tried the Klinkton
> people, who did nothing, then he later tried the shrub people
> who just said no.

This reminds me of an old joke that demonstrated how the parties were the
same. Big Business came to Jimmie Carter for help and he shrugs sadly and
tells them, "You will have to help yourselves." Then Big Business goes to
Ronald Regan who opens the country's back vault and says, "Help yourselves."

But my favorite cartoon that shows how the parties are the same shows the
Donkey and the Elephant at podiums during some sort of debate. Above the
caption "Republican Plan" it shows the Elephant speaking and gesturing, but
his speech balloon is empty and does not contain any actual words. Above
the caption "Democratic Plan" is shows the Donkey pointing toward the
Elephant and declaring emphatically, "Look! No plan!".

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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