Mike Lorrey is not dead after all!!!

From: John M Grigg (starman125@lycos.com)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 20:02:11 MDT


It's great to see you are still alive! People on the list were beginning to think something terrible had happened to you.

I had a bad feeling your body would be found by some the state troopers in a ditch somewhere! But, fortunately you are only $$ poor for the moment and not dead.

My other scenario was that you had discovered a diabolical plot by the luddites to massacre everyone at the Extro! And they were playing a cat and mouse game with you in a race against time!

Just as Ray Kurzweil began speaking you would storm through the doors of the Hilton shouting at the top of your lungs that luddite assassins were on your heels. But, we would have enough time to prepare a response because you took the bus while they walked(to show their contempt for the polluting combustion engine).

After the big battle was over(fists and sticks against were not enough against our cream pies!) you would be the hero of the day and we I would push you around in a stretcher so you could attend all the events.

Realistically though, the luddites would use whatever technological items(cars, guns, etc.) they needed but I wanted to increase your chances of survival.

Anyway, it's good to see you are back and I have a bunch of things about Alaska I want to send you. Do you currently have a mailing address?

best wishes,


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