Not monoliths but treeshaped - (was: RE: Longevity of)

From: Max M (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 11:07:35 MDT

> From:
> []On Behalf Of Anders Sandberg

> If cryonics ever takes off (and before we all turn into posthuman
> monoliths as per the Great Plan)

Well actually ... don't you think that in the future we would look a bit
more like trees? Or rather like tumbleweeds with leafs?

For collecting energy, or signals, or for a whole lot of other practical
reasons, the fractal tree-like shape would probably be the most efficient.

Naturally if we all turn into Jupiter brains it's different, but I could
easily imagine a planet, or a Dyson Sphere covered with an intelligent
tumbleweed network.

It's right on the tip of my tongue but I can't for the dead of me remember
in what book there was that view of a fractal life form. You all know it, it
is one of the classics.

Well I have allways thought that it needed leafs, for both practical and
estethic reasons. Like nano-tech nature has evolved a reasonable design

regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark

Max M. W. Rasmussen, Denmark. New Media Director
private: work:
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