MICROELECTRONICS: Moore's Law good thru 2007

From: Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@aeiveos.com)
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 14:18:14 MDT

News Items:

Intel has made transistors on the 20 nm scale with a 3 atom gate
thickness (i.e. silicon dioxide as O-Si-O, can't get much thinner
than that). They predict by 2007 processors will have a billion
transistors (mostly cache presumably) and and run at 20 GHz. That
probably pushes you into the 50 GIPs range. So 20 processors is
a Teraop and 2000 processors and you are at the low end of human
brain scale. So it looks like around 2010 we are likely to have
file-cabinet sized machines that have a significant fraction
of a brain's processing power (but I've said that before...).

And in case you missed the IBM announcement regarding strained
Summary: strained silicon allows the electrons to move up to 70%
faster than conventional silicon.

The Spike Cometh...


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