Re: Are Gburch and Anthea and the critters OK?

Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 07:16:45 MDT

In a message dated 6/10/2001 2:00:29 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Having heard what I have recently about Houston getting a yard of water
> dumped on it, I thought I'd ask the list if
> anyone knows how Greg Burch, howth and environs are faring?

We're OK. The eye came right up through the center of town, which put us on
the "dry side" -- we got less than 20 in in 24 hours on the west side. Most
of Space City did get smacked, but with a big wet kiss; not like the real
rough stuff when Alicia did the same thing, but with winds 70 mph higher.

       Greg Burch <>----<>
      Attorney ::: Vice President, Extropy Institute ::: Wilderness Guide -or-
                                           ICQ # 61112550
        "We never stop investigating. We are never satisfied that we know
        enough to get by. Every question we answer leads on to another
       question. This has become the greatest survival trick of our species."
                                          -- Desmond Morris

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