Re: power

Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 19:46:05 MDT

First reaction is, can one generate Information form Energy?

2nd reaction is: Can one generate information from the Past Light Cone, or
the Future, by the expenditure of energy?

Can you flesh-up your question a bit? Information stored as brain chemicals,
information stored as magnetic memory, photons, hadrons, gravity waves,
neutrinos, paper chads?? How could information produce something tactile?


In a message dated 6/7/2001 8:25:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I had a crazy idea some time ago... based upon hopes of quantum principles
 do not understand...
 the generation of energy from information.
 Might there be a way to harness the organized structure of information and
 extract from it a form of energy?
 Any comments? >>

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